Conquering Raigad Fort: The Ultimate Adventure for History Buffs in 2023

Nestled amidst the lush Western Ghats of Maharashtra, India, the Raigad Fort stands as a testament to the grandeur and resilience of the Maratha Empire. With a history spanning several centuries, this majestic citadel has witnessed pivotal events, legendary battles, and the rise of one of India’s greatest warrior kings, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Let’s embark on a captivating journey through time to explore the captivating history, architectural brilliance, and the enduring legacy of the Raigad Fort.

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3 The Architecture and Engineering Marvel: Unraveling the Wonders of Raigad Fort


Perched atop a hill in the Sahyadri mountain range of Maharashtra, India, the Raigad Fort is an emblem of India’s glorious past and a testament to the valor and foresight of the Maratha Empire. This historic citadel, known as “Rairi” in ancient times, has a captivating history that spans centuries. Let’s take a detailed journey into the history of Raigad Fort, exploring its pre-Shivaji era, its significance during the reign of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, and other fascinating stories associated with this majestic fortress.

Raigad Fort

Raigad Fort Information: The History

The Raigad Fort holds a significant place in Indian history, as it served as the capital of the Maratha Empire under the visionary leadership of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Built in the 17th century on a hilltop, this formidable fort was strategically located to offer both natural defenses and breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Its elevation and geographical advantages made it almost impregnable, allowing Shivaji Maharaj to establish a strong base for his kingdom and launch daring military campaigns against the Mughals.

Pre-Shivaji Era

The history of Raigad Fort dates back to ancient times. It is believed that the fort was originally built by the Yadavas, an ancient Indian dynasty, in the 11th century. The Yadavas used the fort as a strategic outpost to oversee the trade routes in the region. Later, the fort came under the control of various dynasties, including the Deccan sultans and the Bahmani Sultanate.

Previous names of Raigad Fort

the fort was initially known as “Tanas” or “Rasivda” during the reign of the Yadavas and subsequently as “Rairi” during the Bahamani rule. It was during the time of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the founder of the Maratha Empire, that the fort was renamed as “Raigad.” This new name, “Raigad,” translates to “King’s Fort” and was given to signify the fort’s significance as the capital of the Maratha Empire and the seat of power for Shivaji Maharaj.

Battle of Javali

Chandra Rao More, the ruler of the Raigad Fort, had established his dominance in the region, posing a significant challenge to Shivaji Maharaj’s vision of an independent Maratha kingdom. Shivaji Maharaj, driven by his determination to unite the Maratha clans and free the land from external powers, knew that gaining control of Raigad Fort was crucial to achieving his larger ambitions.

The Battle of Javali unfolded, where Shivaji Maharaj’s forces confronted Chandra Rao More and his army. Both sides were prepared for a fierce and relentless struggle, knowing that the outcome of this confrontation could alter the course of history in the region.

Shivaji Maharaj Captures Raigad Fort

In a daring and well-coordinated maneuver, Shivaji Maharaj’s forces managed to outmaneuver and overpower Chandra Rao More’s army. The battle ended in a decisive victory for Shivaji Maharaj, a testament to his military prowess and the unwavering dedication of his soldiers.

With the enemy defeated, Shivaji Maharaj wasted no time in seizing the opportunity to capture the mighty Raigad Fort. As the victorious troops marched towards the fort’s gates, the defenders, weakened by their recent defeat, found themselves unable to withstand the renewed assault.

Raigad Under Shivaji Maharaj

The ascent of Raigad to the status of the Maratha capital brought about significant transformations. Shivaji undertook a massive renovation and fortification project to transform Raigad into a formidable stronghold. The fort’s strategic location on a hilltop made it a natural defense against invading forces. Shivaji’s vision for Raigad was not just military; he also emphasized the importance of good governance, ensuring the well-being of his subjects within the fort’s walls.

Raigad Fort: The Capital

During his reign, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj sought to establish a suitable capital for the Maratha Empire, and he had several forts under his control. As the story goes, Shivaji Maharaj deliberated upon which fort to choose as the capital. He climbed to the top of Raigad Fort and looked around at the surrounding landscape from its elevated position. Impressed by the strategic location and the natural defenses offered by the fort’s hilltop setting, he made the decision and proclaimed, “Taktaas jaaga haach gad karava.”

This statement translates to “This is the right place, we will build the fort here.” With this declaration, Shivaji Maharaj chose Raigad Fort as the capital of the Maratha Empire. The fort’s commanding position provided a vantage point to oversee the region, and its strong defenses made it an ideal choice for establishing the central seat of power.

Rajyabhishek – The Coronation of Shivaji Maharaj as Chhatrapati

The Rajyabhishek of Shivaji Maharaj held profound significance as a momentous event in the history of Raigad Fort and the Maratha Empire. With great pomp and reverence, the coronation ceremony was conducted within the grand walls of the fort, bestowing upon Shivaji Maharaj the title of “Chhatrapati,” the sovereign ruler. This auspicious occasion marked the formal establishment of Shivaji Maharaj’s reign and the consolidation of his authority as a revered leader.

The Rajyabhishek symbolized not only the ascension of Shivaji Maharaj to the throne but also the triumph of the Maratha spirit and the principles of self-rule. It represented the realization of a dream, the culmination of years of struggle, and the birth of an enduring legacy that continues to inspire generations.

Shivaji Maharaj Ascended to Eternity

Raigad Fort stands witness to a poignant chapter in history, as it was here that the great Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj left his mortal abode on Saturday April 3, 1680 to ascend to the realm beyond. This sacred event marks the end of an era, a moment of profound sorrow and reverence for the Maratha Empire and its people.

With the fort’s majestic ramparts bearing witness, Shivaji Maharaj’s departure from this earthly realm symbolized the passing of a visionary leader, a warrior king, and a beloved ruler. His legacy, imprinted upon the very stones of Raigad Fort, continues to inspire admiration and awe.

The Decline and Rediscovery

After Shivaji Maharaj’s passing, Raigad Fort continued to be an important center during the rule of the Maratha Empire. However, over time, its significance waned, and it fell into disrepair. The British East India Company eventually took control of the fort in the early 19th century.

In the present day, Raigad Fort has been restored and rediscovered as a symbol of India’s glorious history. It stands as a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors from all over the world who seek to witness the grandeur of a bygone era and pay homage to the visionary ruler, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.

The Architecture and Engineering Marvel: Unraveling the Wonders of Raigad Fort

The heading “The Architecture and Engineering Marvel” encapsulates the awe-inspiring and ingenious construction of Raigad Fort, an ancient citadel located in Maharashtra, India. This majestic fortress stands as a testament to the remarkable architectural brilliance and engineering expertise of its creators. In this section, we will delve into the various facets of the fort’s design, construction, and engineering features that make it a true marvel of its time.

Strategic Location and Layout

Raigad Fort’s architectural brilliance begins with its strategic location atop a hill in the Sahyadri mountain range. This natural elevation provided the fort with a commanding position, offering both defensive advantages and unobstructed panoramic views of the surrounding region. The layout of the fort was thoughtfully designed to optimize its defensive capabilities, with multiple layers of fortifications, imposing walls, and watchtowers.

Fortifications and Defensive Features

The fortifications of Raigad are a marvel of medieval military architecture. Massive stone walls, constructed using locally quarried basalt rocks, encircle the fort, creating a formidable barrier against potential invaders. The walls are built with precision and strength, enabling them to withstand external assaults and protect the fort’s inhabitants. Additionally, the presence of bastions and watchtowers strategically placed along the walls allowed for efficient surveillance and defense.

The Maha Darwaja (Main Entrance) of Raigad Fort: A Masterpiece of Artistry and Symbolism

The Maha Darwaja stands proudly as the principal entrance to the formidable Raigad Fort, located in the Sahyadri mountain range of Maharashtra, India. This architectural marvel is one of the most striking features of the fort, captivating visitors with its sheer grandeur, intricate craftsmanship, and rich symbolism.

1. Exquisite Craftsmanship and Artistic Finesse

The Maha Darwaja exemplifies the extraordinary artistic talents of the Maratha craftsmen who meticulously designed and carved this magnificent gateway. It serves as a testament to the skilled artisans of the time, who infused their creativity and passion into every intricate detail of the structure.

2. Massive Wooden Doors

The grand gateway of the Maha Darwaja is adorned with massive wooden doors that impressively guard the entrance. These intricately crafted doors are not only functional but also an exquisite work of art. The wood used in their construction is of superior quality, ensuring durability and strength that has withstood the test of time.

3. Ornate Carvings and Metal Studs

The Maha Darwaja is adorned with ornate carvings that embellish its wooden surface. These carvings depict intricate patterns, floral motifs, mythological figures, and scenes from ancient epics. Each carving tells a unique story, reflecting the rich cultural and artistic heritage of the Marathas.

Additionally, metal studs further enhance the beauty of the gateway, serving as accents that add depth and texture to the wooden surface. The use of metal studs is not only aesthetically pleasing but also serves a practical purpose, reinforcing the doors and protecting them from wear and tear.

4. Symbolism of Regal Significance

Beyond its artistic splendor, the Maha Darwaja carries profound symbolism. As the main entrance to Raigad Fort, it served as a symbolic threshold between the outside world and the seat of power within. Passing through this gateway was an experience laden with meaning, signifying the transition into the realm of the king and the Maratha Empire’s authority.

5. A Portal of History

The Maha Darwaja has witnessed numerous historical events and significant moments in the annals of Indian history. It stood witness to the grand coronation of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, as he ascended the throne and was anointed as the first Chhatrapati of the Maratha Empire.

The Citadel and Residential Quarters: A Regal Abode within Raigad Fort

Nestled at the heart of Raigad Fort lies the majestic citadel, an architectural gem that served as the central administrative and residential area of the fort. The citadel, known as “Raj Bhavan” in Marathi, exudes an aura of grandeur, blending functionality with regal opulence. Within its fortified walls, a vibrant tapestry of history unfolds, offering visitors a glimpse into the bygone era of Maratha royalty and governance.

1. Raj Bhavan – The Seat of Power

The Raj Bhavan, with its towering presence, was the seat of power and governance within Raigad Fort. Within its storied walls, momentous decisions were taken, and the affairs of the kingdom were addressed. The grand “Durbar Hall” (known as “Darbari” in Marathi) stood as a resplendent chamber, where the revered king held court, dispensed justice, and conferred with his trusted advisors.

2. Sihasanachi Jaaga (The Throne Pavilion):

Sihasanachi Jaaga, also known as the Throne Pavilion or the Takht-e-Raigad, is a prominent structure within the fort. It was the seat of power, where Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj sat on the throne to hold court and address important matters of the kingdom. This pavilion witnessed historical events and crucial decisions that shaped the destiny of the Maratha Empire.

3. The Royal Quarters

Ascending to the pinnacle of the citadel, one would find the “Rani vasaa” (Queen’s Room) the exquisite residential quarters dedicated to the queens. These magnificent quarters were designed to provide comfort but were not luxurious. This was the greatest difference between Shivaji Maharaj Forts and other forts in India. The fort were built for their strengths and protection and were never focused about luxury then be it Queen or the King himself.

4. Jagdishwar Temple

The Jagdishwar Temple is a significant religious edifice within Raigad Fort. Dedicated to Lord Shiva, this ancient temple holds historical and cultural importance. Its architecture reflects a blend of Hindu and Maratha styles, making it an interesting sight for both devotees and history enthusiasts. The temple provides a serene and spiritual ambiance amidst the fort’s historic grandeur.

5. Administrative Offices and Noblemen’s Abode

In the bustling heart of the citadel, the “Mantralay” (Ministry) housed the administrative offices, where officials diligently carried out the affairs of the kingdom. It was here that the administrative machinery of the Maratha Empire thrived, ensuring the smooth functioning of governance.

Additionally, the “Noblemen’s Quarters” (known as “Deshmukh Wada” in Marathi) provided accommodation for high-ranking officials and trusted advisors. These quarters served as a hub for discussions and strategizing, contributing to the fort’s success as a formidable seat of power.

6. Nagaarkhaana – The Drum House

The Nagaarkhaana, also known as the “Drum House,” holds a prominent place within the storied walls of Raigad Fort. Situated strategically at the main entrance, the Maha Darwaja, the Nagaarkhaana played a vital role in fortifying the citadel and communicating with its inhabitants.

The resonating beats of drums emanating from the Nagaarkhaana served as a crucial form of communication, conveying vital messages to the fort’s residents during various situations. These drum signals signaled the opening and closing of the fort’s gates, announcements of important events, and even alerts during times of emergencies or impending attacks.

The skilled drummers of the Nagaarkhaana were an integral part of Raigad Fort’s defense mechanism. Through their rhythmic beats, they conveyed a sense of discipline and unity, inspiring the defenders and instilling a spirit of collective resolve. Their synchronization and coordination were paramount, as the messages they transmitted carried critical instructions that could mean the difference between victory and defeat.

6. Bajarpeth – The market place On Raigad Fort

Amidst the historical grandeur of Raigad Fort lies the bustling marketplace known as “Bajarpeth.” A vibrant hub of commerce and trade, Bajarpeth once teemed with merchants and shoppers, a vibrant tapestry of daily life within the citadel. Flanked by 22 shops on either side, this bustling bazaar stretched along the Raj Marg, a prominent road running through the heart of the fort.

Ingeniously designed, the shops within Bajarpeth were constructed at a height of 5 feet, allowing shoppers to conveniently peruse the goods while seated on their horses. This thoughtful arrangement catered not only to foot traffic but also to the equestrian visitors who frequented the market. The lively atmosphere of Bajarpeth echoes the fort’s vibrant history, where merchants and buyers converged, exchanging goods and stories, creating a vivid tableau of life within the formidable walls of Raigad.

Today, as visitors wander through the remnants of Bajarpeth, they are transported back in time, envisioning the lively scene that once animated this thriving marketplace. Though the shops have weathered the test of time, the spirit of commerce and camaraderie endures, leaving an indelible mark on the enduring legacy of Raigad Fort.

7. The Harmonious Fusion of Form and Function

Every element of the citadel’s architecture reflected a harmonious blend of form and function. The structures, adorned with intricate carvings and elegant archways, not only showcased the architectural brilliance but also served practical purposes. They maximized comfort, efficiency, and security, ensuring the residents could focus on their responsibilities without compromising on regal splendor.

8. An Immersive Journey into the Maratha Royalty

As modern-day visitors explore the Raj Bhavan and its residential quarters, they embark on a journey back in time, immersing themselves in the world of Maratha royalty. The Raj Bhavan stands as a testament to the visionary leadership of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, embodying the essence of his reign and the rich legacy he left behind.

9. Jijamata Wada

Jijabai, the mother of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, did not reside in Raigad Fort. Instead, she preferred to live in a village called “Pachad,” which is located at the foot of Raigad Fort. Jijabai’s decision to live in Pachad was due to her preference for a more comfortable and suitable environment, as the elevated height of Raigad Fort might not have been well-suited for her. The decision to reside in Pachad allowed her to be closer to the fort while still being in a more accessible and accommodating location. Though, not situated in Raigad Fort, it is strongly connected to the Fort.

Water Management Systems at Raigad Fort: A Testament to Ancient Engineering Ingenuity

Water, a precious resource, played a vital role in the survival and endurance of ancient forts during prolonged sieges and periods of scarcity. Raigad Fort, standing tall amidst the Sahyadri mountain range in Maharashtra, India, exemplifies remarkable water management systems that were centuries ahead of their time. These systems, including large rainwater harvesting tanks and reservoirs known as “paani-kundas,” showcased the ancient engineers’ deep understanding of hydrology and their innovative approach to ensure a stable water supply within the fort’s walls.

1. The Importance of Water Management

For any fort, maintaining a reliable water supply was of paramount importance, as it determined its ability to withstand prolonged sieges or extended periods of isolation. Raigad Fort, perched on a hilltop and surrounded by rocky terrain, faced the challenge of securing water for its inhabitants, especially during times when accessing external water sources might have been impossible or dangerous due to enemy presence. Ganga sagar, hatti talav, hanuman taki, bara taki, kushavarta talav are the reserviors constructed for Storage of water.

2. Rainwater Harvesting Tanks – “Paani-kundas”

To overcome this challenge, the ingenious architects of Raigad Fort designed and constructed large rainwater harvesting tanks known as “paani-kundas.” These tanks were strategically positioned to capture and collect rainwater efficiently. The slopes and contours of the hilltop were ingeniously utilized to channel rainwater into these tanks, ensuring maximum collection during the monsoon season.

3. Efficient Water Collection and Storage

The design of the paani-kundas allowed for the effective collection and storage of rainwater. These tanks were constructed with precise measurements and dimensions, enabling them to hold significant quantities of water. The tanks’ location within the fort ensured minimal evaporation and seepage, preserving the collected water for extended periods.

4. Hydrological Knowledge and Engineering Expertise

The creation of these water management systems at Raigad Fort reflects a profound understanding of hydrology and engineering principles. Ancient engineers demonstrated their expertise by considering factors such as rainfall patterns, the catchment area, and the storage capacity required to sustain the fort’s inhabitants during dry seasons or extended sieges.

5. Sustainable Water Supply

The sustainable water supply provided by the paani-kundas was a crucial factor in fortifying Raigad’s resilience. Even during times of scarcity or when external water sources were inaccessible due to conflict, the fort’s occupants had a stable water supply, reducing their vulnerability to siege tactics.

6. Legacy and Preservation

Today, the water management systems at Raigad Fort stand as a testament to the innovative approach adopted by ancient engineers. Visitors to the fort can marvel at the engineering brilliance that enabled the fort’s survival in challenging environments. Efforts are ongoing to preserve and maintain these historical structures, ensuring that future generations can learn from and appreciate the architectural and engineering achievements of the past.

The Ingenious Escape Routes of Raigad Fort: A Hidden Network of Safety and Strategy

Raigad Fort’s architectural brilliance goes beyond its defensive features and palatial structures; it extends to the inclusion of secret escape routes and hidden passages, designed to ensure the safety of the royal family and military leaders during times of crisis. These underground tunnels form a hidden network, providing a means of secure evacuation when the fort came under threat. One such escape route, known as the “Palkhi Darwaja,” stands out as an exceptional example of strategic planning and played a pivotal role in the daring escape of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj from the clutches of the Mughal forces.

1. Secret Escape Routes

The fort’s architects demonstrated exceptional foresight by including secret escape routes within the design. These routes remained concealed from the prying eyes of potential invaders, safeguarding the knowledge of their existence within the fort’s inner sanctum. Accessible only to a select few, these hidden passages served as a lifeline for the fort’s occupants during critical moments.

2. Concealment and Ingenuity

The escape routes were ingeniously concealed within the fort’s architecture, often blending seamlessly with the surrounding structures. Some passages were cleverly integrated into the interior of buildings, while others were strategically positioned in natural rock formations or underground. This concealment ensured that the escape routes remained unknown to intruders and preserved their effectiveness.

3. Palkhi Darwaja: The Savior’s Gateway

The “Palkhi Darwaja” stands as an emblematic escape route at Raigad Fort, etched in history for its significance in Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s escape. During a siege by the powerful Mughal forces, Shivaji Maharaj found himself in a perilous situation. The Palkhi Darwaja, a hidden tunnel known only to a few trusted aides, became his key to survival.

4. Shivaji Maharaj’s Daring Escape

In a daring and audacious move, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and a select group of loyal soldiers used the Palkhi Darwaja to discreetly exit the fort and evade the watchful eyes of the Mughal forces. The escape route allowed them to leave undetected and make their way to safety, preserving Shivaji Maharaj’s life and his vision for the Maratha Empire.

5. Testament to Strategic Planning

The presence of such escape routes is a testament to the strategic planning and forward-thinking approach of Raigad Fort’s architects. Recognizing the possibility of extended sieges or sudden attacks, they provided an ingenious means of retreat for the fort’s occupants during times of crisis. This strategic preparedness undoubtedly contributed to the fort’s resilience and reputation as an impregnable stronghold.

6. Preserving History

Today, the Ingenious Escape Routes of Raigad Fort stand as a living link to its illustrious past. Visitors can explore the hidden tunnels and marvel at the craftsmanship and foresight that went into their creation. These escape routes serve as tangible reminders of the challenges faced by the Marathas and the measures they took to safeguard their legacy.

Exploring the Strategic Edge Points of Raigad Fort

As you traverse the historical terrain of Raigad Fort, the strategic tok (Edge) points stand as silent sentinels, guarding the fort’s legacy and revealing tales of valor and ingenuity. Let us delve deeper into the significance of each tok, unearthing the concrete essence that fortified Raigad against adversities.

1. Bhavani Tok: The Eastern Vigilance

Facing the vast expanse of the eastern frontier, Bhavani Tok served as a watchful eye over potential threats. Positioned atop the cliffs, this strategic observation post allowed the Maratha defenders to monitor movements along the crucial approach routes. The sight of distant landscapes from Bhavani Tok instilled a sense of vigilance, reminding the defenders of their sworn duty to protect Raigad Fort, the bastion of Maratha pride.

2. Hirkani Tok: A Courageous Saga

The western flank of Raigad witnessed the courage and resourcefulness of a brave woman named Hirkani. In a daring feat of motherly love and bravery, Hirkani scaled the treacherous cliffs of Hirkani Tok to reach her infant son waiting in a village below. Her audacious act symbolized the unyielding spirit of the Marathas and serves as a testament to the fort’s resilient character.

3. North Takmak Tok: A Chilling Glimpse into the Fort’s History of Punishment

Amidst the grandeur and valor of Raigad Fort, the North Takmak Tok unveils a chilling aspect of its history – a place where severe punishment was once meted out to the sentenced culprits. Known as “kadeloat” or “kadelot,” this dread-filled practice involved throwing the convicted wrongdoers downwards from the precipitous cliffs of North Takmak Tok.

Within these unforgiving walls, justice was administered with a stern hand, and the consequences of transgressions echoed through the steep chasms. Standing on the edge of North Takmak Tok, one cannot help but feel a shiver down the spine, envisioning the gravity of those moments when sentences were carried out, serving as a stark warning to others.

Today, North Takmak Tok serves as a somber reminder of the fort’s complex history – a site where not only valor and bravery were celebrated but also where justice was dispensed with unwavering severity.

4. Shri Gondhe Tok: Enveloped in Nature’s Embrace

Turning towards the serene south, we find Shri Gondhe Tok, a vantage point embraced by nature’s beauty. Positioned on a tranquil hillside, this tok offered a respite amidst the tumultuous history. Gazing at the verdant landscapes below, one could find solace in the harmony between the fort’s fortifications and the serenity of nature.

Preservation and Cultural Heritage

Today, Raigad Fort stands as a cherished cultural heritage site, drawing visitors from all over the world to witness its architectural grandeur and historical significance. Efforts are ongoing to preserve and maintain the fort’s structures, ensuring that this magnificent architectural and engineering marvel continues to stand as a living testament to India’s glorious past.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Raigad Fort

What is the significance of Raigad Fort?

Raigad Fort holds immense historical significance as the erstwhile capital of the Maratha Empire, serving as the seat of power for the great Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.

What is the Rajyabhishek of Shivaji Maharaj?

The Rajyabhishek was a grand coronation ceremony held at Raigad Fort, during which Shivaji Maharaj was anointed as the Chhatrapati, the sovereign ruler.

What is the importance of Hirkani Tok at Raigad Fort?

Hirkani Tok commemorates the brave act of Hirkani, who scaled the treacherous cliffs to reunite with her infant son. Her courage symbolizes the fort’s unyielding spirit.

What role did the Nagarkhana play at Raigad Fort?

The Nagarkhana, or Drum House, was strategically located at the main entrance of the fort. It communicated crucial messages through drum beats, serving as an important form of communication.

How were water management systems at Raigad Fort ahead of their time?

Raigad Fort showcased remarkable water management systems, including rainwater harvesting tanks and reservoirs like Ganga Sagar and Bara Taki, reflecting advanced hydrology and engineering

What was the purpose of Bajarpeth within the fort?

Bajarpeth was a bustling marketplace at Raigad Fort, featuring 22 shops on either side of Raj Marg. It catered to both foot and equestrian traffic, fostering trade and commerce.

What memorable event occurred at North Takmak Tok?

North Takmak Tok was known for severe punishment called “kadeloat,” where sentenced culprits were thrown downwards, symbolizing the fort’s strict adherence to justice.

Where did Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj leave his earthly abode?

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj departed from this world at Raigad Fort, marking the end of an era and leaving behind a lasting legacy that continues to inspire generations.

When did Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj leave his earthly abode?

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj left this world at Raigad Fort, on Saturday April 3, 1680


The historical backdrop of Raigad Fort is an embroidery woven with stories of courage, versatility, and the dauntless soul of the Maratha Realm. From its unassuming beginnings as “Rairi” to its stupendous change under Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the Fort’s process through time is a spellbinding adventure of force, brilliance, and heritage. Today, Raigad Fort remains as a lofty bastion that gladly safeguards the recollections of its distinguished past, welcoming guests to step back in time and submerge themselves in the rich history of India’s surprising legacy.

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